Presentation of the book by A.M.Loiacono “The interpersonal theory of H. S. Sullivan and the clinic of dissociation“, ED.Termanini, Genoa, 2016. Florence, January 28, 2017, c / o Ist.Gradiva, via delle Belle Donne 13.
Speaker on “Interpersonal psychoanalysis, trauma and dissociation I: the theory of H. Sullivan“, 1st meeting of the cycle of seminars “Days on trauma: clinical models in comparison“, at the A.R.I.R.I. of Bari, Bari, 25 February 2017.
Speaker on “Terrorism and the Practice of Anguish” at the Sullivan-SIPI Seminar on “Violence, terror, terrorism: in psychoanalytic society and practice“, Florence, 4 March 2017.
Discussant at the conference with Jay Greenberg “Current Perspectives on the Unconscious: ten years later”. Florence, 22 April 2017, Auditorium of the Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze, via Folco Portinari 5.
Speaker on “Interpersonal psychoanalysis, trauma and dissociation II: the clinic of dissociation“, 2nd meeting of the Seminar cycle “Days on trauma: clinical models in comparison“, at the A.R.I.R.I. of Bari, Bari, 10 June 2017.
Speaker on “Interpersonal Psychoanalysis, Trauma and Dissociation III: The Unformulated Experience of D.B.Stern“, 2nd meeting of the Seminar cycle “Trauma Days: Clinical Models in Comparison“, at the A.R.I.R.I. of Bari, Bari, 8 July 2017.
Speaker at the conference with Nancy Chodorow on “Gender Identity, Male, Female“, Florence, 8 October 2017, Auditorium of the Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze, via Folco Portinari 5.
The only speaker at the 8-hour seminar on “Theory of technique and therapeutic action. Clinicl cases and supervision“, held at the ARIRI School of Specialization in Psychotherapy in Bari, as the fourth day of the annual program on ‘Trauma Days: Clinical Models in Comparison‘, Bari, 21 October 2017.