Seminari e convegni 2020


Speaker in the panel “Narcissistic Injuries in Training“, at the XXI International Forum of Psychoanalysis, 5-8 February 2020, in Lisbon. In panel he was presented together with Sandra Buechler.

Speaker at the Round Table of the VI Plenary Session at the XXI International Forum of Psychoanalysis, February 5-8, 2020, on the theme: “The role of transference and countertransference in contemporary psychoanalysis: per via di pose, per via di levare (by way of addition , by way of subtraction)“, with a paper on” COUNTERTRANSFERENCE AND OEDIPAL LOVE“, Lisbon, February 8, 2020.


Speaker at the OPIFer online conference “Psychoanalysis beyond the pandemic”, with a report entitled Psychoanalysis at the time of the Coronavirus. Investigation of a traveler immersed in more than one suspect. 5th July 2020.

Sole speaker at the 4-hour seminar on “I. Hirsch’s thought: Therapeutic uses of countertransference“, held at the ARIRI School of Specialization in Psychotherapy in Bari, 17 October 2020.

Sole speaker at the Seminar “The legacy of Oedipus, the Caryatids and the values ​​of the New Athens”, Seminar held at the Italian Society of Interpersonal Psychoanalysis, November 14, 2020.