Dr. Anna Maria Loiacono
Relational/interpersonal Psychotherapist
and Psychoanalist
She lives and works in Florence as free lance

About me
Dr. Anna Maria Loiacono is a Relational/Interpersonal Psychotherapist and Psychoanalist.
She lives and works in Florence. Training and Supervising Analyst at the H.S. Sullivan Institute (I.P.A.) of Florence.

Ordinary Associate at Italian Society Of Interpersonal Psychoanalysis (S.I.P.I.) from 1990;
Lecturer, Training and Supervising Analyst of the Institute of Analytical Psychotherapy H.S. Sullivan (I.P.A.) of Florence, from 1991.
Ordinary Member of the Organization of Italian Psychoanalysts – federation and registry (OPIFer), since 1995.
2000 -
Training in Psychoanalytic Theory and Clinic with Pier Francesco Galli, Bologna, from 2000 to 2008;
2003 -
President of the Italian Society of Interpersonal Psychoanalysis (S.I.P.I.) from 2003 to 2010.
2007 -
Member of the International Psychotherapy and Human Sciences Seminars;
Editorial Reader of the International Forum of Psychoanalysis, from 2014.
2010 -
Scientific Director of the Italian Society of Interpersonal Psychoanalysis (S.I.P.I.), and Head of International Relations of the Italian Society of Interpersonal Psychoanalysis (S.I.P.I.) since 2010.
Vice President of OPIFER (Organization of Italian Psychoanalysts, Federation and Registry) since 2015.
Author of “The Interpersonal Theory of H. Sullivan and the Clinic of Dissociation”, Termanini Ed., Genoa, 2016; she has published in accredited specialist journals and collaborates with psychoanalytic journals such as the International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Psychotherapy and Human Sciences and Psychoanalytic Research, The American Journal of Psychoanalysis.
Member of the Executive Committee of the International Federation of Psychoanalytic Societies (I.F.P.S.) since 2016 and Delegate Member since 1991.
Chair del XX Forum dell’International Federation of Psychoanalytic Societies (I.F.P.S.) on the theme “The new faces of fear. Ongoing transformations in psychoanalytic society and practice “, held in Florence, 17-20 October 2018.

She teaches at:

- H.S. Sullivan Institute of Analytic Psychotherapy (I.P.A.) of Florence;
- SIPRe – Italian School of Relational Psychoanalysis of Rome;
- School of Specialization in Psychotherapy A.R.I.R.I. of Bari;
- Institute of Higher Education and Family Psychotherapy of Florence srl – I.A.F.F.
- School of Specialization in Cognitive Psychotherapy CESIPc, Firenze;
- Psychotherapy and Human Sciences: Bologne, Modena, Genoa;
- School of Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy “Il Ruolo Terapeutico” of Genoa;
- Family Therapy Center of Bologne;
Link utili
- International Federation of Psychoanalytic Societies (I.F.P.S.)
- International Forum of Psychoanalysis (I.F.P.)
- National Order of Psychologists
- ARIRI , School of Specialization in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy in Bari
- Systemic Psychotherapy School of Bologna
- School of Specialization in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy "Il Ruolo Terapeutico" of Genoa
- International Psychotherapy and Human Sciences Seminars, Bologna
- Italian Society of Relational Psychoanalysis, SIPRe, Rome, Milan
- The William Alanson White Institute
- Jack Drescher
- Sandra Buechler
- Giancarlo Signorini