Education and Degrees
Degree in Philosophy, University of Florence;
Registration with the Order of Psychologists of Tuscany, n.482, with the consent to practice Psychotherapist (14/12/1989).
Training in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy at IPA Florence
Training in Theory and Clinic of Psychoanalysis with Pier Francesco Galli, Bologna.
Educational and Scientific Charges:
President of the Training Department of the Institute of Analytical Psychotherapy I.P.A. Sullivan of Florence;
Former President of the H.S. Sulivan Institute of Psychoanalysis in Florence (now I.P.A. Sullivan);
from 1991
Faculty, Training and Supervising Analyst at the H.S. Sullivan Institute (I.P.A.) of Florence from the 1991;
from 1991
Delegate Member of the International Federation of Psychoanalytic Societies (I.F.P.S.), from 1991;
dal 2015
Vice Presidente dell’Organizzazione degli Psicoanalisti Italiani federazione e registro (OPIFER);
Editorial Reader of the International Forum of Psychoanalysis;
Scientific Account of the Italian Society Of Interpersonal Psychoanalysis (S.I.P.I.);
from 2006
to 2020
Member of the international Psychotherapy and Human Science Seminars;
from 2003
International Relationships Account of the Italian Society of Interpersonal Psychoanalysis (S.I.P.I.);
from 1995
Ordinary Member of the Italian Psychoanalyst Organization (Opifer) from 1995;
Scientific Account of the Accredited Training Program of the Italian Society of Interpersonal Psychoanalysis (S.I.P.I.);
from 2006
Ordinary Member of the Organization of Italian Psychoanalysts – federation and registry (OPIFER)
dal 2013
to 2019
Scientific Commettee Member of all S.I.P.I. conventions, seminars and conferences.
Past Main Scientific Charges:
dal 2003
al 2010
President of the A.F.P.I. (Florence’s Interpersonal Psychoanalysis Association) for two consecutive terms, now it is known as the Italian Society of Interpersonal Psychoanalysis (S.I.P.I.), from 2003 to January 2010;
dal 2003
al 2010
Scientific Commettee Member of all conventions, seminars and workshops of A.F.P.I. and AFPI-IPA from 2003 to 2010 and then to seminars from 2010 on with foreigners relators;
Director at H.S. Sullivan Institute of Analytic Psychotherapy (I.P.A.) of Florence, in 2011;
dal 2013
Scientific Commettee Member of all S.I.P.I. conventions, seminars from 2013 till today.
Expert Consultant Psychologyst/Psychotherapist charges:
RAI UNO broadcasting station, Saxa Rubra, Rome:
Live tv speech at “UNO Mattina” telecast on “Il Bacio” (The Kiss), introduced by Maria Teresa Ruta
Live tv speech at “UNO Mattina” telecast on “Figli illegittimi” (Illegitimate sons), introduced by Luca Giurato
Live tv speech at “UNO Mattina” telecast on “La verginità” (The Verginity), introduced by Luca Giurato
Live tv speech at “UNO Mattina” telecast on “La comunicazione sul lavoro” (The communication on the job), introduced by Luca Giurato
RAI TRE broadcasting station, Saxa Rubra, Rome:
Live tv speech at “Cominciamo bene” telecast, on “E’ possibile l’amicizia tra uomo e donna?” (Friendship between man and women, is it possible?) introduced by Ivo Garrani and Manuela Di Centa
Tele 37 broadcasting station, Florence:
Tv speech at telecast “La depressione dal punto di vista interpersonale” (Depression from an interpersonal view), introduced by Anna Maria Giussani
from 1994
Neo-Freudian Thought’s developments I and II;
Psychoanalysis and Femininity .
At the Institute of Analytic Psychotherapy of Florence, Graduate School in Psichotherapy.
Fundamentals of Interpersonal psychoanalysis. Introduction to H.S.Sullivan’s thought.
Current thinking in the relational-interpersonal orientation.
Clinic of Dissociation.
Reports and Participations at Scientific Conventions:
Introduced a report: “Female Psychology: culture and unconscious feelings in the analyst’s experience”;
Conducted a three days long Discussion Group (six hours total) as the Group Leader;
Conducted two Special Sessions with the presentation of clinical cases as the Chairperson.
Spokeswoman with the report: “The aggressiveness problem in the teenagers”, Florence, AFPI’s Symposium;
Conducted a seminar on “Woman today: what changes? what consequences?” at National Convention “Woman today: the family, the job, the social duty” at Il Centro Bolognese di Terapia della Famiglia in Bologna;
Spokeswoman at X International Forum of Psychoanalysis, with the report: “Female Mythology and Psychology: Archeology of a difficult identity”, Athens, 1996;
Conducted a discussion group of the Scientific Committee at the “Women: Trauma, Relationship, Change” Convention hold in Milan on June the 5th-6th-7th 1998;
Spokeswoman with the report: “ The Actuality of C.M.Thompson’s Thought”, Florence, Simposio AFPI, 1999;
Spokeswoman on “The interpersonal model” for the trainees of the Local Clinical Unit n.4 of Prato, 27th March 2000;
Presented the “The clinical case of C.”, at Seminar Day with I.Z.Hoffmann, Florence, IPA, March 2001;
Spokeswoman of the AFPI seminar on “Empaty as a therapeutic tool”, June 2001;
Spokeswoman with the report: “Self-revelation, self-disclosure e/o disclosure del processo analitico”, at Simposio AFPI, Florence, 2002;
Elected President of Florence’s Interpersonal Psychoanalysis Association (AFPI), november 2003;
Introduced the “The clinical case of Sara” at the convention on “I disturbi di personalità borderline e narcisistico”, Florence, Maddalena’s hall, S.Croce’s Basilica, 28th February 2004;
Organized the convention on “la Psicologia del Transfert in C.G.Jung e nella Psicoanalisi Interpersonale”, Florence, Maddalena’s hall, S.Croce’s Basilica, december 2004;
Spokeswoman with the report: “Come si esprime l’inconscio” at Simposio AFPI-IPA on “L’inconscio: prospettive attuali”, Seminar Day with Jay Greenberg, Florence 28th May 2005;
10 hour intensive experience of individual supervision with Donnel Stern, author of “L’esperienza non formulata”, New York, July-August 2005;
Organized and partecipated to an intensive week of Seminars at New York’s William Alanson for the students of Florence’s IPA, 10th/18th October 2005, to deepen the peculiarity of some key concepts of the Interpersonal Psychoanalysis.
1) The first Clinical Interview, by Ira Moses;
2) The dissociation by D.Stern;
3) The Depression, by White’s Director, J.Bose;
4) Similarities and Differences between Relational and Interpersonal Psychoanalysis, by I.Hirsch;
5) The trauma, by E.Hegemann;
6) Psichoanalysis and gender identity, by J.Drescher;
7) Unformulated experience, by D.Stern.
Spokeswoman with the report: “L’interpretazione” at AFPI’s Seminar Day on “L’uso dell’interpretazione”, with J.Greenberg, Florence, headquarters AFPI-IPA, 14th March 2006;
Spokeswoman at Afpi’s Seminar on “Usi del Controtransfert : il pensiero di I.Hirsch”, Florence, 26th September 2006;
Spokeswoman at OPIFER’s III National Convention 10th -11th– 12th November 2006 with the report: “Tra bisogno di stabilità e desiderio di avventura: l’amore e l’odio nelle relazioni amorose”(Between needs of stability and desire of adventure: Hate and love in the love relationships);
Took part to International Seminars of Psychotherapy and Human Sciences from 2006;
Took part in the Workgroup about the adolescents, conducted by M. Bolko and N. Loperfido, Bologna, 2006-2009;
Took part in the Supervisors Group conducted by P.F.Galli, Bologna, from January 2007 till today;
Re-elected President of Florence’s Interpersonal Psychoanalysis Association (AFPI), January 2007;
Spokeswoman with Fabiano Bassi at the convention on “Le perversioni”, with the report: “La perversione”;
Organized and was spokeswoman at II° Therapysts Clinical Seminar A.F.P.I., “Essere psicoanalisti oggi: il percorso di crescita professionale nel decennale dell’IPA-Sullivan. Considerazioni e proposte“, with the report: “The therapeutic identity of A.F.P.I.”, hold in Siena on May the 24th and 25th 2008;
Spokeswoman in Central Panel on “Globalization and identity loss” of VI FORUM I.F.P.S., hold in Santiago of Cile from the 15th to 19th October 2008, with the report: “Global identity: which future?”;
Conducted a supervision group on clinical cases hold in Fabiano Bassi’s bolognese group, Bologna, 5th november 2008;
Organized the clinical seminar with Massimo Recalcati about:“Clinical and theoretical meditations about death’s drive”, Florence, 28th November 2008;
Spokeswoman to the Round Table about “Anorexy and Bulimy: compared ideas and researches”, hold in Florence, at Gradiva’s Institute of Acted Psichoanalysis, 13th December 2008;
Organized with SIPre of Roma the year’s meeting about the clinical cases discussion, at the headquarters of AFPI-IPA in Florence, on 7th February 2009, (from that day on this event has an annual recurrence);
Organized the Convention on ”L’alleanza terapeutica nel trattamento dei disturbi gravi della personalità” with Fabiano Bassi. The meeting was held at the headquarters of AFPI-IPA in Florence, 14th February 2009;
Speaker at the Round Table on “Anorexia and Bulimia: Comparing Ideas and Research”, held in Florence, at the Institute of Psychoanalysis of “Gradiva” Representation, on 13 December 2008;
Organized the Seminar with Maria Cellesi Concas and Licia Filingeri, of Ruolo Terapeutico of Genoa, about Fritz Morgenthaler (theory, tecnical theory, dreams analysis) . The meeting was held at the headquarters of AFPI-IPA in Florence, 7th March 2009 ;
Organized a clinical discussion group on the clinical cases for the AFPI conducted by Pier Francesco Galli in 2009, in a total of 10 meetings;
Organized and partecipated at a week of Seminars at New York’s William Alanson, from the 4th to the 9th of May 2009 about the following themes:
Schizophrenia (Kwawer; Zaphiropoulos);
Eating Disorders (J. Petrucelli);
Addiction disorders (J. Brisman);
Clinical of narcissism (I. Hirsch) ;
Dissociation (P. Bromberg);
Emotions (S. Buechler);
Clinical of Dreams (M. Blechner);
The Depression (J. Bose);
The Sexuality (J. Drescher);
The Adolescence (S. Aronson);
The Trauma (E. Hegeman; R. Gartner);
The Therapeutic alliance (J. Greenberg).
Spokeswoman at the Research Day on “Anorexy and Bulimy: compared ideas and researches”, hold in Florence, at Gradiva’s Institute of Acted Psichoanalysis, the 23rd May 2009;
OArganized and was spokeswoman at III Seminar of the AFPI’s Therapists, about: “The dissociation in the Interpersonal model” , with the report: “The philosophical hermeneutics in H.G.Gadamer’s thought”, on the 3rd and 4th October 2009;
Organized and was spokeswoman to the first AFPI’s Study Day on “Division, Dissociation, Integration in Clinical’s theories and practice”, with the report: “The dissociation in the Interpersonal Psychoanalysis”, 31th October 2009, State Archives of Florence ;
Organized the seminar with Marianna Bolko on “Theory and Clinic of Dreams”, 14th November 2009, at the AFPI’s headquarters in Florence;
Organized the convention with Fabiano Bassi on “The Trauma, implications for the psychotherapeutic technic”. The meeting was hold at the AFPI-IPA’s headquarters in Florence; 27th March 2010;
Main spokeswoman at the Seminar on “The H.S. Sullivan’s Interpersonal Psychoanalysis” at School of specialization in Psychotherapy “Il Ruolo Terapeutico di Genova”, on the 17th April 2010;
Main spokeswoman at the Seminar on “The H.S. Sullivan’s Interpersonal Psychoanalysis” at the Permanent Theoretical-Clinical Group of Genoa coordinated by Pier Francesco Galli, Genoa, 18th April 2010;
Spokeswoman at IV AFPI-IPA’s Symposium with J.Drescher on “From bisexuality to intersexuality: think back on the gender categories”, hold in Florence the 9th October 2010, with the report: on “The clinical case of M.”;
Spokeswoman and chairperson at XII Opifer/AAPDP’s joint convention (The American Academy of Psychoanalysis and Dynamic Psychiatry) on “Trauma and Identity”, hold in Genoa the 16th and 17th October 2010, with the report: “Unconscious and survival fragments: The identity in the Global Village”;
Spokeswoman and chairperson at the 16th I.F.P.S. Forum of Psychoanalysis on “Intrapsychic and Intersubjective”, hold in Athens from 20th to 23th October 2010, with the report: “Feelings of the therapist and the obligations of countertransference”.
Spokeswoman and chairperson at XVI World Forum of Dynamic Psychiatry, on “The interpersonal dynamics of the identity: Research, pathology and treatment”, hold in Munich, 21st-25th March 2011
Spokeswoman at XIII Joint Meeting OPIFER/AAPDP 2011 “Psychoanalytic Training Today” with the report: “The psychotherapist’s identity today: prospectives in the training”, Rome, 12th-13th November 2011.
Speaker at the 7th COURSE FOR PSYCHOLOGISTS of the 56th National Congress SIGG (Italian Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology) “Prepare to live 100 years!”, Florence, Palazzo dei Congressi, 1-2 December 2011, with a report on “Identity and process of aging “.
Spokeswoman at the Round Table on “Psychoanalytic Training”, Psychologists’s Order of Lombardia, Group of Italian Analytic Psychotherapy Orientation Schools, Milan, 26th May 2012;
Spokeswoman as Representative of Latin European countries , to the Round table for the 50th year celebration of the International Federation of Psychoanalytic Societies (I.F.P.S.) on “The Challenge of Psychoanalysis in the XXI Century”, XVII I.F.P.S. International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Mexico city, 10th-13th October 2012, with the report: “Movement in Psychoanalysis: illusion, disillusion, hope.” Mexico city, 10th October 2012
Spokeswoman at XVII I.F.P.S. International Forum of Psychoanalysis, Mexico city, 10th-13th October 2012, in the Panel “Contemporary Psychoanalytical Clinic” with the report: “Identity Crises and Depressive Anxieties: the strenght of fragility”, Mexico city, 11th October 2012.
Spokeswoman at BIOPSYCHOSOCIAL APPROACH IN PSYCHIATRY AND DYNAMIC PSYCHOLOGY BIOPSYCHOSOCIAL MODELS: INNOVATIVE INTERDISCIPLINARY AND MULTIPROFESSIONAL PERSPECTIVES OF KNOWLEDGE CONSTRUCTION, Florence, 27th -28th October 2012, with the report: “Identification processes with the role and female and male identity building”, Florence, 28th October 2012.
Conducted the Seminar on “The woman in Psychoanalysis between Clinic and theory” for a total of 3 hours, organized and coordinated by Adriana Grotta, member of the international Psychotherapy and human sciences account committee, Bologna, Ranzani street 5/10, 24th November 2012,.
Conducted the Seminar on “Therapist’s identity and training issues. What future for the psychoanalysis?” hold at Interpersonal Psychoanalysis Society of Florence (S.I.P.I.), Florence, 12th January 2013, Amici street 17, for a total of 3 hours.
Conducted the Seminar on “Comprehension and bond in the psychoanalytic Therapy” hold at Interpersonal Psychoanalysis Society of Florence (S.I.P.I.), Florence, 9th March 2013, Amici street 17, for a total of 3 hours.
Spokeswoman at the convention on “The meeting between therapist and patient: Psychotherapy intervention models in comparison”, Pisa, 23rd March 2013.
Spokeswoman at the Round Table on “For an Integrated Theory of sexuality”, with the report: “Against Identity: changing trasformations and anxieties”,Barletta, 14th June 2013.
Main spokeswoman at the Course for medics and psychologist “Know to suffer. Live and share the anxiety in the therapist’s relationship”, in the Seminars cycle of Health’s Psychodynamic Psychology. Polyclinic and Local Clinical Unit of Modena, 26th September 2013.
Main spokeswoman at the Residential Seminar of the Academic Year 2013-2014 of the School of Specialization in Psychotherapy “Il Ruolo Terapeutico di Genova”, on “Interpersonal Psychoanalysis and Clinical Dissociation”, on 25th,26th and 27th October 2013, Bonassola.
Professor in a 5 hour course for the students of the Institute of Analytic Psychotherapy of Florence on “Clinic and Dream theories: the sexuality in dreams”, Florence, 3rd November 2013.
Discussant at the Round Table on the topic “50 years in Psychoanalysis and surroundings: observations on the new that goes forward”, at the meeting with Pier Francesco Galli, Florence, 7th December 2013.
Chairperson and spokeswoman at the Seminar “The theory of development and the interpersonal psychoanalysts”, with the report: “Psychoanalysis and development theory”, Florence, 5th April 2014.
Conducted a supervision group in the Clinical Supervision meeting “Itinerant thoughts: Florence-Genoa connected supervision meetings” SIPI-SpazioIn of Genoa, Florence, 24th May 2014.
Main spokeswoman in a 5 hour course on “Interpersonal Psychoanalysis and Clinical Dissociation”, inside the Summer Seminars of Psychotherapy and Human Sciences program, Modena 27th June 2014.
Spokeswoman at the 7th Joint International Conference “Passion” with the report: “The Middle Age between Renunciation and Passion” Florence, 4th-6th July 2014.
Main spokeswoman in a 3 hour Seminar “The woman in Psychoanalysis between clinic and theory. Identity and Aging”, inside the 2014 Psychotherapy and Human Sciences Training Area program, Permanent Theoretical-Clinical Group of Genoa coordinated by Pier Francesco Galli, Genoa, 8th November 2014.
Spokeswoman at the 8th SIPI’s Clinical Seminar of Therapists on the topic “The Dissociation in the theory and in the psychoanalytic technic”, with the report: “Division and Dissociation in the theory and the clinic” Siena, 22nd November 2014.
Main spokeswoman at the 4 hour Seminar in the Course on Defenses inside the 2014 Psychotherapy and Human Sciences Training Area program , with the report: “Division and Dissociation in the theory and the clinic”, Bologna, 13th December 2014.
Speaker at the 8th Clinical Seminar of SIPI Therapists on the topic “Clinical use of dreams”, Siena 12 December 2015;
Conducts an experience of 6 Dream Group Interpretation meetings at the Interpersonal Psychoanalysis Society of Florence, from January to April 2016;
Lecturer in a 7-hour course for the third and fourth year students of the School of Specialization in Psychotherapy SIPre in Rome, on the Interpersonal Model and the clinic of dissociation, on January 30, 2016;
Speaker at the VI Plenary Round Table Session on “Building Dialogues of Understanding: Theoretical and Clinical Perspectives. Prevention and Intervention”, of the XIX International Forum of Psychoanalysis on“ Violence, terror, terrorism today. Psychoanalytic Perspectives “, with a paper entitled” TERRORISM AND PRACTICE OF ANGST “, New York, May 15, 2016;
Speaker at the XIX International Forum of Psychoanalysis on “Violence, terror, terrorism today. Psychoanalytic perspectives“, with the report entitled” FEMALE IDENTITY, TRAUMA AND THE MYTH OF MATRIARCHY “, in the panel” Victim statute and female identity: what has changed? “, New York, 12-15 May 2016;
Speaker at the conference on “Dissociation” of the SIPre School of Specialization in Psychotherapy in Rome, 21/22 May 2016;
Leads two supervision groups at the ARIRI School of Specialization in Psychotherapy in Bari, 10 June 2016;
Speaker on “Dissociation” at the Psychoanalytic Cenacle of the ARIRI School of Specialization in Psychotherapy in Bari, 11 June 2016;
Speaker on “” The unformulated experience “in the clinic of dissociation” at the Summer Seminars of Psychotherapy and Human Sciences, Modena, 25 June 2016;
Speaker on The “Group Dream Interpretation: a precious tool for therapists”, at the SIPI-Sullivan Seminar “The dream and representations of the life cycle”, Florence, 10 September 2016;
Speaker on “” The unformulated experience“ in the clinic of dissociation” at the XIV Joint National Conference OPIFER-A.A.P.D.P. on Word, symbol, narration, held in Pistoia on 22-23 October 2016;
Speaker on “Female Identity, Trauma and the Myth of Matriarchy” at the Sullivan-SIPI Seminar on “Development of female identity and victim status: what has changed?”, held in Florence on 29 October 2016;
Speaker on “Identity crisis and depressive anxieties: the strength of fragility” at the Sullivan-SIPI Seminar on “Development of female identity and victim status: what has changed?”, held in Florence on 29 October 2016;
Presentation of the book by A.M.Loiacono “The interpersonal theory of H.S.Sullivan and the clinic of dissociation”, ED.Termanini, Genoa, 2016. Florence, January 28, 2017, c / o Ist.Gradiva, via delle Belle Donne 13;
Sole speaker at the 8-hour seminar on “Interpersonal psychoanalysis, trauma and dissociation I: the theory of HSSullivan”, held at the ARIRI School of Specialization in Psychotherapy in Bari, as the first day of the annual program on ‘Days on trauma: clinical models a confrontation ‘, Bari, 25 February 2017;
Speaker at the conference VIOLENCE, TERROR, TERRORISM, IN SOCIETY AND IN PSYCHOANALYTICAL PRACTICE. Florence, 4 March 2017, c / o Ist.Gradiva, via delle Belle Donne 13;
Discussant at the conference with Jay Greenberg “Current Perspectives on the Unconscious: ten years later”. Florence, April 22, 2017, Auditorium of the Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze, via Folco Portinari 5;
Sole speaker at the 8-hour seminar on “Interpersonal psychoanalysis, trauma and dissociation II: the theory of HSSullivan”, held at the ARIRI School of Specialization in Psychotherapy in Bari, as the second day of the annual program on ‘Days on trauma: clinical models a confrontation ‘, Bari, 10 June 2017;
Sole speaker at the 8-hour seminar on “Interpersonal psychoanalysis, trauma and dissociation III: the theory of HSSullivan”, held at the ARIRI School of Specialization in Psychotherapy in Bari, as the third day of the annual program on ‘Days on trauma: clinical models a confrontation ‘, Bari, 8 July 2017;
Speaker at the conference with Nancy Chodorow on “Gender Identity, Male, Female”, Florence, 8 October 2017, Auditorium of the Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze, via Folco Portinari 5;
Speaker at the conference with Nancy Chodorow on “Gender Identity, Male, Female”, Florence, 8 October 2017, Auditorium of the Cassa di Risparmio di Firenze, via Folco Portinari 5;
Sole speaker at the 4-hour seminar on “Sullivan, psychiatry and the roots of interpersonalism” held for the Italian Society of Interpersonal Psychoanalysis on 10 February 2018;
Sole speaker at the 4-hour seminar on “H. Searles: Oedipal love in countertransference” held for the Italian Society of Interpersonal Psychoanalysis on 24 March 2018;
Chair of the XX Forum I.F.P.S., The new faces of fear. The transformations taking place in clinical theory and practice. Florence, October 17-20, 2018;
Chair of the Special Activity I on “The Psychodynamic Diagnostic Manual PDM-2: Sense and Sensibility“, presented by Vittorio Lingiardi and Anna Maria Speranza, Florence 18 October 2018;
Chair of the Panel On Fear and Creativity in Art, Literature, Philosophy: A Psychoanalytic Approach, by I. Miller, G.Maniadakis and O.Lindqvist. Florence, 19 October 2018;
Speaker at the Round Table of the VII Plenary Session at the XX International Forum of Psychoanalysis, October 17-20, 2018, on the theme: “Fear and Psychoapathology in Current Clinical Practice”, with a paper on “Integrating the Dissociated: from the Dominance of Fear to the Power of Angst. Angst as a ‘Presence of Feeling’ “, Florence, 20 October 2018;
Brings the clinical case to the SIPI Therapists Seminar, on the model of Tuckett, held in Borgo Giusto on 18-19 November 2018;
Sole speaker at the Seminar “The legacy of Oedipus and the values of the New Athens”, The Legacy of Oedipus and the values of the New Athens, held at the William Alanson White in New York, Psychoanalysis and Art group, on 7 February 2019, from 1.30pm at 15.00;
Speaker at the XX Seminar of SIPI Therapists with a report entitled: “My interpersonal psychoanalysis: thoughts, reflections, visions and forecasts on the future of the Sullivan Institute”;
Sole speaker at the 8-hour seminar on “Narcissism and self-disorders: John Fiscalini”, held at the ARIRI School of Specialization in Psychotherapy in Bari, Bari, 26 October 2019;
Speaker in the panel “Narcissistic Injuries in Training”, at the XXI International Forum of Psychoanalysis, 5-8 February 2020, in Lisbon. In panel he was presented together with Sandra Buechler;
Speaker at the Round Table of the VI Plenary Session at the XXI International Forum of Psychoanalysis, February 5-8, 2020, on the theme: “The role of transference and countertransference in contemporary psychoanalysis: per via di put, per via di levare (by way of addition , by way of subtraction)“, with a paper on” COUNTERTRANSFERENCE AND OEDIPAL LOVE “, Lisbon, February 8, 2020;
Brings the clinical case to the SIPI Therapists Seminar, on the model of Tuckett, held in Borgo Giusto on 18-19 November 2018;
Sole speaker at the Seminar “The legacy of Oedipus and the values of the New Athens”, The Legacy of Oedipus and the values of the New Athens, held at the William Alanson White in New York, Psychoanalysis and Art group, on 7 February 2019, from 1.30pm at 15.00.
Speaker at the XX Seminar of SIPI Therapists with a report entitled: “My interpersonal psychoanalysis: thoughts, reflections, visions and forecasts on the future of the Sullivan Institute”;
Sole speaker at the 8-hour seminar on “Narcissism and self-disorders: John Fiscalini”, held at the ARIRI School of Specialization in Psychotherapy in Bari, Bari, 26 October 2019;
Speaker in the panel “Narcissistic Injuries in Training”, at the XXI International Forum of Psychoanalysis, 5-8 February 2020, in Lisbon, 7 February 2020;
Relatrice alla Tavola Rotonda della VI Plenary Session al XXI International Forum of Psychoanalysis, February 5-8, 2020, sul tema: “The role of transference and countertransference in contemporary psychoanalysis: per via di porre, per via di levare (by way of addition, by way of subtraction)“, con un paper su “COUNTERTRANSFERENCE AND OEDIPAL LOVE”, Lisbon, 8 Febbraio 2020;
Speaker at the OPIFer online conference “Psychoanalysis beyond the pandemic”, with a report entitled Psychoanalysis at the time of the Coronavirus. Investigation of a traveler immersed in more than one suspect. 5 July 2020;
Sole speaker at the 4-hour seminar on “I. Hirsch’s thought: Therapeutic uses of countertransference”, held at the ARIRI School of Specialization in Psychotherapy in Bari, 17 October 2020;
Sole speaker at the Seminar “The legacy of Oedipus, the Caryatids and the values of the New Athens, Seminar held at the Italian Society of Interpersonal Psychoanalysis, November 14, 2020.